In a fight against pollution and environmental preservation, plastic has been scorned as enemy number one. However, it is time to challenge that perception and consider a more informed and data-driven perspective. Contrary to popular belief, plastic packaging can be more sustainable than its counterparts in crucial aspects, here we tell you a little more:

  1. Plastic, despite its bad reputation, has qualities that make it valuable in the context of sustainability. On the one hand, it is lightweight and durable, meaning it can transport products with less energy consumption and be reused multiple times. Furthermore, advances in technology have led to the development of compostable, monomaterial or recycled plastics, offering more environmentally friendly alternatives.
  2. The hydraulic footprint is another crucial indicator. Surprisingly, plastic packaging can have a significantly smaller hydraulic footprint than paper packaging. According to studies conducted by the Institute of Water Engineering of the University of Science and Technology of China, paper production consumes approximately four times more water than plastic production.
  3. Plastic packaging can be highly sustainable when managed appropriately throughout its life cycle. This includes practices such as recycling and reuse. Additionally, plastics can be more durable and moisture resistant, extending the life of packaged products and reducing waste.

While it is paramount to address the environmental issues associated with plastic, it is important to recognize its sustainable potential in packaging. If managed properly, plastic packaging can be a more efficient and sustainable option than paper or rigid packaging. However, this requires a comprehensive approach that includes waste management practices, material innovation and environmental awareness on the part of consumers and businesses. At Bioflex, we ensure that all waste generated during the production of our flexible packaging is reused and transformed into products such as pallets and containers made of 100% recycled material.